The incredible flying circus

The Aster chilensis is blooming, and it’s the biggest insect party of the year. The plants are covered with skippers, with frequent visits by mason bees and other creatures. Despite its Latin name implying South American origins, it’s a California native – but from the Southern part. It’s common name, California aster, makes its originsContinue reading “The incredible flying circus”

Honey, I saw a spider!

You make sure there are no pesticides, poisons or toxic substances in your garden. Your vegetables are organic. You’ve created a wonderful oasis of nature… then you look next door. There’s a Poison Man spraying who knows what all over their house. I imagine it’s to kill a spider or two. Impossible to talk toContinue reading “Honey, I saw a spider!”

Jumping, lynxes and crabs? Pouncing spiders!

Sacramento is a great place for spiders that hang out on flowers instead of messing around with webs. We have jumping spiders, lynx spiders and crab spiders. Jumping spiders are the most active and have large eyes for spotting prey. Lynx spiders and crab spiders lie in wait for their prey to come to them.Continue reading “Jumping, lynxes and crabs? Pouncing spiders!”