Garden flowers for Valentine’s Day

Forget roses. This is what blooms naturally around Valentine’s day. Manzanita feeds the hummingbirds, daffodils brighten up the garden, and oxalis throws a splash of yellow green over verdant green leaves. A Winter Bouquet Daffodils Just plant the bulbs in fall and you’ll have daffodils for years to come. These are way overdue for division:Continue reading “Garden flowers for Valentine’s Day”

R.I.P. big manzanita

Our Dr. Hurd manzanita has been in decline for three years, after growing vigorously from a small five gallon plant to a four foot tall shrub. Leaves in some stems began to look thin and dry. I started a bit of water in summer, just hand watering on cooler days. This seemed to help, forContinue reading “R.I.P. big manzanita”